Our Blog

Taxes, bookkeeping, accounting – you name it! Check out our blog for fresh perspectives on the most relevant financial topics.


Still doing the bookkeeping yourself?

So you’ve set up your new bakery.  Everything is going great so far.  You’ve got a few customers walking in the door every day, and they’re being serviced to the best of your abilities.  People are raving about the best damned sour-dough they’ve ever tasted.  At the end of the day, you throw all your […]

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The Value of a Good Financial Audit

How often have you thought to yourself “Hmm . . . I’d better get a high quality audit of my business done this month”. Probably not very often.  So let’s chat today about why you need this service performed every once in a while. […]

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Why file now? April 30th is so far away!

I know what you’re thinking:  we’re all busy.  Who has time to file their taxes before April?  Let alone the last week of April?!  Well, there are several reasons why you should get your documents into Al-Mulla CPAs sooner, rather than later. […]

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The RRSP Deadline is coming up!

You may have noticed this phrase plastered across retail banking advertisements lately.  It seems like there are no shortage of financial companies reminding you to contribute to your RRSP before March 1.  So what is all the hype about anyway?  And why March 1?  If you’ve ever found yourself pondering these questions, read on. […]

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Importance of HST determination

For many businesses, the collection of HST is part of regular business operations. When the HST rules were released on 1 July 2010, this affected consumers as more HST had to be paid in buying certain goods, but benefited small and big businesses as they were now able to collect back all the tax paid […]

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Sale of Private Companies

Selling one’s own privately held business can be very rewarding but at the same time very challenging at many levels. With this blog, I hope to explain why and how to approach the sale of your own business so as to minimize the challenges. […]

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Tax Compliance: Voluntary Disclosure Program (VDP)

Due to the nature of the Canadian tax system, which relies heavily on the taxpayers’ understanding of the various rules and provisions, it is common to see taxpayers realize their previous filings with CRA were inaccurate or incomplete. […]

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