Why file now? April 30th is so far away!

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I know what you’re thinking:  we’re all busy.  Who has time to file their taxes before April?  Let alone the last week of April?!  Well, there are several reasons why you should get your documents into Al-Mulla CPAs sooner, rather than later.

  • Everyone else is thinking the same thing!  As April 30 gets closer and closer, more people begin to finally file their taxes.  This results in long lineups at the CRA.  Filing your taxes Before April 15 can reduce the time it takes to get your refund from 6 weeks to as little as 8 days.
  • A refund is great . . . until you realize it was your money to begin with.  Get your money back sooner and stop lending the government your hard earned dollars at zero per cent interest.
  • Finally, we hear several excuses far too often, that can be lumped into one big category:  “I’m too young/old/broke/rich/lazy to file my taxes”.  Don’t fall into this trap!  Even if you’ve earned no income, or this is your first year filing, or you haven’t filed in 5 years, there are many potential advantages to filing.  You may qualify for HST credits, you could be missing out on child care benefit payments, some of your house expenses may be deductible . . . well, you get the point.

The crucial point is having a qualified chartered accountant guide you through the process.  The income tax is long and not a thrilling read . . . trust us.  Let us take care of your tax situation and get you the maximum refund you’re entitled to.  At the same time, tax planning for the future is crucial, which is another perk you get as a valuable client of Al-Mulla CPAs.

Carpe Diem (seize the day), and contact us today for your free no-obligation consultation.

Zaid Al-Mulla, MAcc, CPA, CA