Filing your Canadian tax returns has never been easier. We’re going to show you how simple it can be and how our new online service takes all the hassle and guess work out of the process. […]
How To File Your Canadian Tax Returns?

Filing your Canadian tax returns has never been easier. We’re going to show you how simple it can be and how our new online service takes all the hassle and guess work out of the process. […]
Due to the nature of the Canadian tax system, which relies heavily on the taxpayers’ understanding of the various rules and provisions, it is common to see taxpayers realize their previous filings with CRA were inaccurate or incomplete. […]
The general public may be familiar with accounts such as the income tax account and the tax payable account. However, when it comes to tax, a few of the most important accounts in tax are accounts that you might be unaware of. These accounts include the refundable dividend tax credits (RDTOH), the capital dividend account […]